Dorperschafe - Vollblutschafe

1. Agreement (described by the symbol "B")


Strongly and long, with large eyes, which are far opened and harmoniously placed at the head. Strong nose, strong, well formed muzzle portion with well trained chops are ideal. In order to reach in the type (T) the maximum score, the muzzle must be perfect. Tooth position like also muzzle placement must be perfect. Animals with lower jaw are not accepted. The lower jaw may be 3mm shorter than the upper muzzle. The seat of the ears must agree with remaining head conditions. A trained horn basis or small horns is ideally, strongly minted horns are unwanted, but permits nevertheless. In all other respects the head should be covered with fine black wool. The head should be dry and point out no fat beginnings.

Front spar and neck

The neck should be by middle length and be well connected with the head and body. Shoulders should be firmly, broad and strong. The shoulders must be well connected with the front body. The chest should be as far as possible. Front legs must be strongly, straight and well placed. The chains must be strongly and the claws shouldn't spread too wide. Animals with X-legs as well as animals with too soft chains must be excluded from the description and receive no honor. Animals with loose shoulders like also curved legs and incorrect course have to be designated as incorrect.

Central hand

The ideal is a long animal with deeper, well curved rib. The back must be long and the center hand should have the "form of a barrel". 

Rear hand

A long and spar, far rear hand is ideal. The internal and outside muscle must be with adult animals very pronouncedly and full fleshy. Hind legs must be strong and well placed and exhibit strong chains. Animals with incorrect chains must be excluded from the linear description and receive no honor. X-legs are also not certified. 

Udder and sexual organs

A well formed udder and an error free outside sexual organs are important for a female dorper. The ballbag of the rams shouldn't be to long, the testicles should be both of the same size and not to small. Rams, that incorrect testicles exhibit are excluded from the description. 

General impression

The sheep should be symmetrical and well proportionated. Calm temper and energetic, attentive features are ideal.