Classification of the Dorper for the registration
1. Full blood
Under the group full blood fall those sheep, whose ancestors follows the South African breed and which was not in-crossed with other sheep races. They are considered as full blood, or 100% Dorper. Only full blood rams paired with female full bloods can have full blood lambs as descendants. The registration number of such full blood animals carries the prefix RF (Fullblood Ram) for the rams and EF (Fullblood Ewe) for the ewes.
2. Pure bred animals
Under pure bred animals one understands: rams, which have other sheep races in the descent, but nevertheless at least 93% Dorper blood exhibit. They are considered as "pure bred" animals. In order to compute the proportional portion of dorper blood in the offspring, one calculates with 100%. The registration number receives the prefix RP (Purebred RAM).